Hope you have all had a well-deserved break! And if not, only a few more
weeks until the February half term.... What a challenging and fulfilling first
term I have had. I have learnt so much about, not only myself as a Newly
Qualified Teacher, but also a lot about the trade. Most importantly, what a web
of complexities this profession is.
Firstly, it took me about three weeks to know which building to go into
for each lesson. What a relief that was! Another 4 weeks to know most of the
students’ names, obviously there is still the odd names here and there that I
am still learning. We have all been in a situation where there is a cluster of
students and we can’t remember the names of any of them, you stare at them
intently trying to remember at least one of their names. Finally, it comes to
you, definitely Bob. As you blurt out their name with so much confidence and
authority, they all laugh at you, so loudly. Why? Because that wasn’t Bob, that
was in fact Billy!
I dare you to believe in yourself. I sure am starting to. 2018, I have a good feeling about this one. |
At that present moment, I always get that feeling of stupidity and
embarrassment, how could I not know Billy after teaching him for seven weeks.
Then it dawns on me, there are at least 1000 or more students that I come
across each week. To remember each one of their names is near enough
impossible. I guess I have learnt that sometimes ‘excuse me young man’ works so
much better, than trying to remember names, which if you do get wrong, they
will let you know about it.
Another lesson so far this year has been remembering who is who within
the multifaceted school environment. You know when you want to send a quick
email to get letters sent out or get a quick print job done. Well there is someone for everyone one of those jobs and
at times it is hard to remember who is who (not the Repro guy though, everybody knows him!). Which is why I have found it very
important to keep communication going with colleagues within the department;
within them they offer many years of experiences which I am finding very useful.
Well 2018 brings me so many opportunities and
hurdles. Just because the teacher training year has finished, it does not mean that I
have finished learning. I am finding I am constantly jumping hurdles. I have
come to appreciate new starts involves me being proactive and it is indeed an on-going
process. I want to by the end of the Academic Year to be fully qualified in
teaching gymnastics. I also need to find a new job after Easter; reality has
started to kick in as my maternity cover post is soon to come to an end… wish me luck!